''In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies but the silence of our friends''-This inspirational quote by the great Martin Luther King.What is said about you is NOT true
If someone is insulting you and continuously bringing you down, it doesn't mean what their saying is true.Don't let these "haters" stop you from being you, and don't be quick to say stuff like "he/she just hates me" no!, a person bullies because they have problems at home or personal issues and seek to let all their anger and pain out on you!For example, you could have a dream of becoming an artist but the comments of other people saying that your art is ugly and that you'll never succeed.That doesn't mean your art is actually ugly or you'll never make it as an artist .This will bring you down so badly,that you yourself will think that you could never persuade that dream.That person is mad at you or hates you, they just see you to relief them of their pain.
Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words DO hurt me
"You can heal broken bones but not a broken mind" is a qouteEven though physical bullying refers to violence,mental/emotional bullying is worse.If you get physically harmed, that can easily be healed, it is harder to heal a broken mind than a broken bone.
This quote by a professional author Dia Reeves explains that mental/emotional bullying hurts to.
Forgiveness comes wth ease
It's gonna be hard forgiving one who once harmed or bullied you, but you need to understand that they were going through something you didn't, and you helped them in a way by releasing their anger and pain
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